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Pulp Disease can occur from a trauma to your tooth or an injury, but if you are suffering from Pulp Disease, but according to your dentist, it most likely has to do with your oral hygiene.

Colgate explains that if you are less than diligent when it comes to your toothbrush, you may be dealing with Pulp Disease. There are several types of Pulp Disease including Reversible Pulpitis, Irreversible Pulpitis, Dental Pulp Calcification, and Dental Pulp Exposure. If left untreated, your Pulp Disease could cause serious problems including tooth loss.

You may have Reversible Pulpitis if you feel pain when you eat or drinks something sweet, hot, or cold. Reversible Pulpitis a mild to moderate inflammation of the inside of your tooth, or the pulp. Reversible Pulpitis may be helped with good oral hygiene, but make sure you see your dentist as soon as soon as possible as a filling may be needed.

Irreversible Pulpitis is a severe and serious Pulp Disease that cannot be cured. If this occurs, you will feel sudden pain that could lead to an abscess tooth. Without dental treatment, Irreversible Pulpitis could spread throughout your connective tissue and gums causing a serious infection. Irreversible Pulpitis is usually treated with root canal therapy. If root canal therapy is not successful, your dentist may have to extract the tooth.

Dental Pulp Stones occurs when the tissue inside of your tooth begins to calcify. If this happens, you will be in extreme pain with a hypersensitive tooth as the dental nerves that are contained in the pulp are being compressed. Also known as Dental Pulp Calcification, Dental Pulp Stones can only be taken care of with root canal therapy.

If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, older dental restorations, or a cavity, you could be setting yourself up for Dental Pulp Exposure. This condition occurs when the inside of your tooth that contains tissue, tiny blood vessels, and nerves is exposed. Dental Pulp Exposure is usually quite painful as the food particles and bacteria have already found their way into the pulp in your tooth. Sometimes a dental filling is all you will need, but if your Dental Pulp Exposure is causing an infection, you may need root canal therapy. Your dentist explains that most of the time you will feel Pulp Disease, but if the nerves inside the tooth have already died, you may not be aware that you have Pulp Disease.

The best way to avoid Pulp Disease is to see your dentist regularly, brush twice, floss once each day, and maintain a healthy diet that is full of calcium rich foods and lots of fruits and vegetables.

For more information regarding Pulp Disease, schedule an appointment with your dentist today.